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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Implementation JSF Chart in JSF

How to Implementation JSF Chart in JSF

Many times we have requirement of displaying data using charts in our web application. Jsf-comp is a opensource library which I have used in my JSF application. I have used this for simple bar charts and using it is very simple. Below I have explained steps to use it in your application to create a bar chart.
Here I assume you have already had a jsf application running. If you are new to JSF, please read the earlier post JSF tutorial For Beginner .
For the bar chart demo we’ll create a request scoped bean, and a simple jsf view. The data displayed in charts will be some predefined values.
Step 1: Configuration.
Before starting the code download jsf-comp jar file ( jfreechart-1.0.5.jar) from url:
Copy the jar to web-inf/lib directrory.
Edit your web.xml file to include following:
Step 2: Backing bean part.
To create any chart we need object of DefaultCategoryDataset (
DefaultCategoryDataset categoryDataSet=new DefaultCategoryDataset();
We set graph values in this object using addValue function. The functions is shown below (create a and include following function with appropriate getter and setter methods) :



public class Weather {
public Weather(){


public DefaultCategoryDataset getGraphData() {
DefaultCategoryDataset categoryDataSet=null;

categoryDataSet = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

Double currentTemperature= 25.3;
//Easy AdSense by Unreal

Double minTemperature=10.2;

Double maxTemperature=45.0;

Double avgTemperature=30.0;

categoryDataSet.addValue(maxTemperature,"","Highest Temperature");

categoryDataSet.addValue(minTemperature,"","Lowest Temperature");

categoryDataSet.addValue(avgTemperature,"","Average Temperature");

categoryDataSet.addValue(currentTemperature,"","current Temperature");

return categoryDataSet;

}catch(Exception sq){

System.out.println("exception2 " +sq);


return null;




Define the bean in the faces-config.xml file as Managed Bean:
Now in xhtml file you can use the chart library as follows:
Include tag library definition:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""

<ui:composition >
<h:outputText value="chart Display" />
<ch:chart id="pichart" datasource="#{weather.graphData}" type="bar" background="orange" orientation="vertical" is3d="false" title="Compare the Temperatures" xlabel="" ylabel="Temperature" height="300" width="500"></ch:chart>


Run the jsf file to see the chart.